Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Book Quotes Etc

Quotes: " She earned $6 an hour in a Vermont factory that made plastic cigaratte lighters and cases for Gillette razors. In 2000, she earned $6.80 an hor stocking shelves and working cash registers at a vast Wal-Mart superstore in New Hampshire" (Shipler 50).

"Or less -- the equivalent of $3.70 -- taking into account the rise in the cost of living" (51).

"she ended up with only $400 a month in child support and no share in their house"(56).

"For seven days a week she worked two part-time jobs --- one in a store for $5.25 an hour, the other for "four something" an hour answering phones"(61).

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Well seeing as how your reading this, you are either in my class, or a very strange individual. Speaking of strange individuals.... Hello! My name is Corey. I am a college student currently enrolled in Joliet Junior College located in Illinois. I live in America, specifically Illinois. I am an aspiring artist and have composed many works of modern contemporary music. I dedicate hours of my life a day to playing and learning more about the piano, I would even say that music has taken over my life. Besides my dead end music carreer I would like to talk about my other...hobbies. I am an avid computer geek, building and repairing PC's for friends and family. I used to play ping pong and am still fairly good at it. Who am I though as far as looks though? I like to think of myself as a classy individual, even though as I write this I am wearing pajammas. I have brown hair and try to keep it short. Well I am bored of typing, until next time, whoever the strange individual is whom decided to read this.